Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Could Not Open The UI

When opening Sage Accpac menu, sometimes clients will encounter error "Could Not Open The UI" There are several case has been found out and the following are the step to resolve the error
  1. Install the latest Service Pack for the System Manager.
  2. Check that, for Windows 2000 and later machines, the correct ACCPAC\Runtime directory is contained in Windows Environment Variables; for Win95/98/ME/XP machines, the correct ACCPAC\Runtime directory is contained in the Autoexec.bat path statement.
  3. Check that, for Windows 2000 and later machines, there is only one instance of the ACCPAC\Runtime directory in Windows Environment Variables; for Win95/98/ME/XP machines, there is only one instance of the ACCPAC\Runtime directory in the Autoexec.bat path statement.
  4. For Windows 2000 or XP machines, if the ACCPAC\runtime directory is contained in Autoexec.bat, REM it out.
  5. Reregister the a4wcomsv.dll in the Start -> Run dialog box with its full path. For example, regsvr32 "c:\program files\ACCPAC\runtime\a4wcomsv.dll"- reregister a4wcomex.dll in the Start -> Run dialog box with its full path. For example, regsvr32 "c:\program files\ACCPAC\runtime\a4wcomex.dll" If this is successful on the machine, you will receive a confirmation message that the .dll file has registered successfully.
  6. Double check [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACCPAC International, Inc.\ACCPAC\Configuration] in the Registry to make sure all entries are pointing to the correct location. If this is showing a mapped drive, try changing it to a UNC path instead.
  7. Long file names or short files name must be used consistently everywhere.
  8. If ACCPAC and ACCPAC ASP exist under Component Services, browse the user name and reenter the password in the Identity tab of their Properties window. It is very important that you do not manually enter the user name.
  9. If the machine is not intended to act as an ACCPAC Web Server, shut down and delete the ACCPAC and ACCPAC ASP objects in COM+ Applications.
  10. Make sure the current logged on user has at least Power User rights - for updating the Windows registry, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
  11. Do not create a mapped drive for an ACCPAC directory that physically exists on the same machine. Simply use the local hard drive letter (launch the program by double clicking Runtime\ACCPAC.exe).

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