Wednesday, 31 December 2008

GL Security

Now in Sage Accpac General Ledger 55A included a module called GL Security. Here I will explain a little bit on function of the GL Security that was built in to the core module right now.
So if you feel that you need one of this security than you should consider on upgrading to 55 :
1. Security by account which allow a specific account can only be view, update by a specific person/group
2. Security by segment which allow a specific range of account based on segment to be viewed, update by a specific person/group.

This GL Security will remove the account from the screen if the user does not have the privileges to access it.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Norming 55 is now Available

Dear All Our Beloved Customer,

Norming 55 is now available, you can contact us to get the new version of Norming fixed asset with some of the new feature included in the current release :
  • Fully Integrated With Sage Accpac ERP 55
  • Exchange gains/losses can be recognized on revaluation
  • Moves the disposal Cost and proceeds accounts to cost center
  • Multiple depreciation expense account for 1 cost center, so we can allocate base on a specific percentage of cost to different account
  • Maintain The original Purchase Cost for assets
  • Converts PO Item into single or multiple assets
  • Includes existing add on as an acquisition type in asset acquisition entry
  • And much more
So what are you waiting for come and grab your cd for update..

Monday, 10 November 2008

Cashbook 55 SP 1

On 30 October 2008 , Cashbook 55 has release the newest service pack. Service Pack 1 which has the following update :
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - Web Client Only - Tax On - An invalid field ID error code was generated when using a source code with a default tax code.
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - The pending amount in the allocation screen was incorrect for customers and vendors having the same customer/vendor code.
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - After entering a Distribution Code and tabbing onto the grid, the grid was not accepting focus correctly.
  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation - Reversals - Accounts Receivable Only - An AR entry's status in Bank Services was not correctly being changed when reversed in CB.
  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation - Reversals - Accounts Payable Only - Same vendor/reference/amount - resulted in incorrect line being reversed.
  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation - Single Reference/Deposit Entries - Only locates in Bank Services if 'Yes' is selected for that row to allow faster processing in large single EFT entries.
  • Fixed - Post - Refund batches were doubling up if allocated to more than one credit note.
  • Fixed - Post - To correctly update Partially Posted transactions that were first Voided when printed.
  • Fixed - Post - Bank Transfers - A transfer batch with a blank reference resulted in an error batch being created that could not be edited.
  • Fixed - When posting a Cashbook batch in Accounts Payable with an allocation against a Job Related invoice the message "The payment amount for document xxx is not fully distributed" was returned.
  • Fixed - Print Cashbook - When printing Bank Reconciliation or Bank Charges by period, an invalid field error was being returned.
  • Fixed - Batch Import - A field ID error was generated when the batch number being created exceeded 32767.
  • Fixed - Miscellaneous Codes - Wasn't importing EFT details.
  • Fixed - Cheque/Receipt/Deposit Forms - Bank totals weren't being updated correctly.
  • Enhancement - Online Printing - Form now saves last settings for Receipts/Deposits.
  • Fixed - G/L Transfer - Auto Post in G/L was causing an error if G/L Options were set to require printing before posting.
  • Fixed - Batch Listing Report - Stops allocations going to second page if more than 32 lines.

Contact us immediately if you need this file. Call us at 021-7660349

Cashbook 54 SP 7

On 31Oct2008 cashbook 54 has release it's newest service pack, Service Pack 7 with the following update :
  • Fixed - Post - Multicurrency - Unapplied Cash entries were not posting in Accounts Receivable.
  • Fixed - Post - To correctly locate the cheque to update in bank reconciliation after printing a batch using the same cheque numbers that had been previously voided.
  • Fixed - Post - When entering an AR Refund in Cashbook for R 100.00 and allocating R 50.00 to 2 different Credit Notes for the same Customer, the AR Refund Batch is generated with an AR Refund Amount of R 200.00 with R100.00 allocated against each Credit Note.
  • Fixed - Post - If the Customer and Vendor numbers are the same and the invoice numbers in both the Customer and Vendor accounts are the same it results in the allocation against the Customer account reflecting as Pending in the Vendor account.
  • Fixed - Post - When posting a transfer batch with a blank reference number it created an error batch for the receiving bank which could not be edited or deleted.
  • Fixed - Post - Bank Transfers - A transfer batch with a blank reference resulted in an error batch being created that could not be edited.
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - Allow editing of batch control description and single reference details in a retrieved batch.
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - Web Client Only - The default tax code was giving an error in a tax batch.
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - Batch Entry AP allocation picked up Pending Adjustment amount when selecting the Pending allocation in subsequent allocations.
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - Allocations against Job Related invoices which contain 0.00 amount lines.
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - PJC - when the Project has an Accounting Method of Accrual-Basis the cost account defaults to the "Cost of Sales" account setup in the Account Set, and when the Project has an Accounting Method other than Accrual-Basis the cost account defaults to the "Work in Progress Account" setup in the Account Set.
  • Fixed - Batch Entry - After entering a Distribution Code and tabbing onto the grid, the grid was not accepting focus correctly.
  • Fixed - Retrieve from Other Systems - Cashbook AR refunds were incorrectly being retrieved.
  • Fixed - Retrieve from Other Systems - AR Error Batch with entry which originated in Cashbook being retrieved to Cashbook when retrieving AR entries.
  • Fixed - Print Tax - Transfer to ACCPAC Tax Services of multicurrency tax lines.
  • Fixed - Print Tax - When Transferring Cashbook Tax Tracking to Sage Accpac Tax Services the Cashbook Reversals transferred as a 0.00 amount entry.
  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - Cashbook only partially returns AR Receipt reversals in Bank Services leaving the entry status "In Transit".
  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - Cheques with the same vendor,reference and amount but different dates were reversing the incorrect line in ACCPAC.
  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - Single Reference cheque batches were not reversing correctly in ACCPAC.
  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - Redesigned to handle large EFT SR batches. The entry is now only located in Bank Services if it is contained in a deposit or Single Reference batch and the 'Reverse' column is clicked to 'Yes'.
  • Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - To use the reversal fiscal year in the reversed line.
  • Fixed - Batch Import - When the next batch number to be created exceeded 32767, then an error was generated: "Invalid field 35".
  • Fixed - Batch Import - Importing Unapplied Cash entries for 2 different Customers. Only the first entry is imported as Unapplied Cash, the second entry is imported as "Select" Mode.
  • Fixed - Batch Import - Importing an allocation with more than 2 payment numbers in a particular payment schedule to the same invoice.
  • Fixed - Batch Import - GL Transfer - The "There are no G/L transactions to consolidate" message being erroneously displayed when selecting GL Transfer and Consolidate Before printing.
  • Fixed - Print Cheque/Receipt/Deposit Forms - Printing Cheques off-line resulted in the Cashbook Transaction Header table Fiscal Year field being updated with "0000".
  • Fixed - Integrity Check - To check batch sub-detail.
  • Fixed - Integrity Check - Language resource errors.
  • Fixed - Batch Listing Report - Stops allocations going to second page if more than 32 lines.
  • Fixed - G/L Transfer - Auto Post in G/L was causing an error if G/L Options were set to require printing before posting.
  • Enhancement - Online Printing - Form now saves last settings for Receipts/Deposits.
If You need this update, please contact us and we will arrange an update file for you.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Manufacturer's Item Number

I think almost everyone has an alias name in the time of great High School Era.Remember that?You want to share with us your alias name?We are feel free to get those :)
Ok now back to Accpac. In Accpac, it also provide alias name for Item Number, You can put unlimited alias to 1 item number. And the system is quite smart also , when you put 2 different item number under the same alias number system will automatically pop up a finder for us to select which item does we referring to.

Maybe some will ask in what condition this will be used?
1. If customer need barcode number
2. Where Supplier/Customer require us to put their item number in the PO or DO form
3. Where Accounting and Logistic Have different number for a specific item

This menu can be found in I/C Items and Price Lists\Manufacturer's Item Number.


DBDUMP and DBLOAD is a tools for accpac for us to run re indexing on database. For some customer they use this function to do backup and restore. This is not wrong but for some larger database dbdump and dbload take more time compare to normal backup. All user must logout from Accpac before running this 2 utility.

How To do DBDUMP and DBLOAD:
1. Open Start\Program\Accpac\Tools\DBDUMP
2. Put in Admin Password
3. Select the database that you want to DUMP
4. Click the "Set Directory" to set where your going to put the DUMP data
5. Click Dump and wait until it finish

1. Open Start\Program\Accpac\Tools\DBLOAD
2. Put in Admin Password
3. Click the "Set Directory" to set from where are you going to Get your DUMP data
4. Select the Dataset that you want to load and click Next
5. Choose to which Database do you want to Load
6. Click Finish

DBLOAD will take longer time than DBDUMP.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Qty on PO ,OE, Available

On Sage Accpac version older than 5.5. It is almost impossible for us to track for which document is the quantity information belong to. Now in order to fulfill customer's request Accpac has now add drill down capability to check which document that is link to this qty on PO, on SO, and available. This Option Available from Order Entry Screen, IC location detail.
See attached image for sample what the system can do

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

How To do Backup


This is the most important part when you are using a system. You need to have a set of backup data, so if something happen on your server you could easily restore your last data without having you to key in from the beginning. We would like to recommend for all customer to do backup on daily basis. There are several way to do backup , maybe you can consult with your IT which one your going to use :
1. For Pervasive SQL User
- Use Accpac DBDUMP to run backup
- Backup your data Folder by using zip or copy it to other drive
2. For Microsoft SQL User
- Use Accpac DBDUMP to run backup
- Schedule an automatic backup for your data by using SQL Agent

So after reading this and you have not do backup for days or month better run it now... Before your coffee time is wasted to re input your data

NB: A little note on doing backup using dbdump and restore using dbload. Normally this will take a longer time to do restore compare to the conventional way of backup and restore. Cause in dbload Sage Accpac is reindexing the database.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Create New Year Procedure

Even though this process is quite simple process. But sometimes we forgot how to do it since it was only run once in a year. In order to help you to remind here are some steps to run year end process :
  1. Backup. Whatever you do, backup your data first.
  2. Add the new year in the Fiscal Calendar. (You may want to check Options in G/L Setup to see which fiscal year you are in. You don’t want to get ahead of yourself and move to far into the future!)
  3. Start with the subledgers first. Post all your outstanding batches in your subledgers.
  4. Make sure all users are out of the subledgers.
  5. Print your reports, and run Clear History, Delete Inactive Records, and Clear Statistics. Some of these functions may remove history and affect drilldown functions, so make sure you have a backup before you do anything! You don’t want to be even more lost!
  6. Run the Year End function in the subledgers.
  7. In General Ledger, you will also want to post all the outstanding batches.
  8. Verify the number of years of history/fiscal sets you have set to maintain.
  9. Run Period End Maintenance and Clear History. Again, make sure you have a backup as this will remove information. Also print out all your reports before doing this.
  10. Finally, you can run the Create New Year function, which will actually put the company in the new fiscal year.The menu can be found in GL Periodic Processing\Create New Year
For number 5,6,9 is an option if you want to clear history. If you do not want you can skip the process. So Hopefully this will help you for year end procedure.
And one more thing to remind even though you have close the year, you still can update the data and Accpac will update Ending and opening balance in your report...
Good luck and remember not to stay in your office until morning for year end ....

Friday, 22 August 2008

Free Stock Card Anyone???

Anyone want to have a free stock card report included in the system? Yes you can get it free when u are upgrading or using Sage Accpac Version 55. Sage Accpac Inventory Control 55 Update 1 include a new reporting and inquiry tools called Stock transactions report and Stock Transaction Inquiry.
With this new report available at any time you can look at opening, ending and movement for each cut off period.

Sage Accpac 55 Purchase Order Update

This parts explain on the new features that is included in PO 55 :
• Specify costs on requisitions.
• Copy Purchase Orders like the Order Entry feature Copy Orders.
• Optionally require approvals for requisitions.
• Choose whether POs are allowed for non‐existing vendors.
• Inquire on items that are expected to arrive within a specified date range, and check the number of days overdue for items not received by the expected arrival date.
• Support for multiple customers in each contract.
• Optionally update the most recent cost and last cost at receipt time or at invoice time.
• Cost inventory items during posting but delay creating transactions and audit information until you run Day End Processing.
• Turn off warnings that items do not exist.
• Enter different document dates and posting dates for transactions.
• Specify the source type codes for G/L transactions.
• Override the vendor account set during purchase order entry.
• Enter Job‐Related Receipts Using Any Units of Measure.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Join Our Team

PT. Microtek Is Now Hiring good people to join our team. For those who:
1. Male/Female Age max 35 years
2. Experience in handling accounting software
3. S1 degree for Accounting, Management, Computer Accounting
4. Able to communicate in English
5. Willing to work hard as technical and software implementor

Send your cv to us at or
JL. RS Fatmawati 15
Golden Plaza E15
Jakarta Selatan 12420

Sage Accpac 55 Inventory Control Update

Continuing from other module here are some of new feature that is available in Inventory Control 55 :
1. Item Number Change is now Included in the Inventory Control License. No additional license is required to activate the module.
2. A new Internal Usage form for recording internally consumed inventory
3. More options that let you cost items during posting, but create subledger transactions and audit information when you run Day End Processing
4. Item inquiries on the quantity on sales order, quantity on purchase order, and committed quantity in the Location Details form.
5. Drilldown to Project and Job Costing from job‐related shipment and adjustment transactions in Transaction History Inquiry.
6. Start and end dates for price lists.
7. User‐definable source types for G/L transactions.
8. Different document dates and posting dates for transactions.
9. New Credit/Debit Note Clearing account for inventory account sets for handling credit and debit notes differently from Order Entry.
10.Faster processing, especially when posting and running Day End Processing
And lot more new feature... So plan for your upgrade and call us when you are ready..

Sage Accpac 55 Order Entry New feature

Sage Accpac 55 Order Entry New feature :
1. Now OE 55 can link with PJC. Enter job‐related orders, shipments, invoices, credit notes, and debit notes in the Order Entry module, track projects in Project and Job Costing, and generate invoices in the Order Entry module or in Project and Job Costing
2. Use the start and end dates entered on Inventory Control price lists.
3. Enter different document dates and posting dates for transactions
4. Drill down to transactions that are on sales order and purchase order when entering orders, shipments, invoices, credit notes, or debit notes.
5. Enter prepayments on shipments as well as on orders and invoices.
6. Check that duplicate orders are not being entered for customers (based on the customer’s purchase order number).
7. Calculate backordered quantities based on customer options
8. Cost inventory items during posting but delay creating transactions and audit information until you run Day End Processing.
9.Inquire on items that are expected to ship within a specified date range.
10.Specify the source type codes for G/L transactions
11.Hide, show, or allow users to edit the unit cost/extended cost fields in credit/debit note entry
12.Override the customer account set when entering Order Entry transactions.
13.Send transaction entries to General Ledger from Credit/Debit Note Entry
14.Post transactions faster

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Sage Accpac 55 Account Receivable Update

These are some new features that is included in version 55 :
1. Take advantages on the new improved revaluation process.
2. Ability to Specify Particular Accounts for Items.Now AR 5.5 lets you specify particular General Ledger accounts for items. You are not limited to the accounts prescribed by a
distribution code.
3. Improved Integration with Project and Job Costing. Accounts Receivable supports a new feature in version 5.5 of Project and Job Costing that lets you set up projects with different customers
than the contract customer.
4. Accounts Receivable now accepts job‐related invoices, debit notes, and credit notes that Order Entry generates for some projects.
5. Separate Posting Dates and Document Dates for Transactions
6. Ability to Specify Source Codes for General Ledger Transactions
7. Default Tax Class for Document Details
8. Print Group Subtotals on Reports(Aged Trial Balance, Customer Transactions,Aged Retainage)
9. Customer Number Change is Now part of the Core AR Module. No additional License is required

This are some global feature that Accpac 55 gives you. For more detail information please feel free to contact us or look on the documentation provided with the install of version 5.5

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Sage Accpac 55 General Ledger Update

Since Accpac has release the latest version of Sage Accpac which is version 55A.I'm going to share what's new in this version of Sage Accpac. First I will start with General Ledger Module :
  1. There are 16 new Financial Report Statement added.There are 5 Balance Sheet Summary, 5 Financial Analysis Statement, 1 Forecasting Statement, and 5 Income Statement Summary
  2. With the release of 55 There are some changes have been made to different level of Sage Accpac and here are the list :
    1. Account Segment
      • In Sage Accpac 100 ERP you are given 3 segments account (Previously 2 segments)
      • In Sage Accpac 200 ERP you are given 4 segments account (Previously 3 segments)
    2. Budget
      • In Sage Accpac 100 ERP you can now have 2 budgets(Previously 1 budgets)
      • In Sage Accpac 200 ERP you can now have 3 budgets(Previously 1 budgets)
    3. Number of years of History
      • In Sage Accpac 100 ERP you can now have 7 years of history(Previously 2 years)
      • In Sage Accpac 200 ERP you can now have 7 years of history(Previously 5 years)
  3. GL security is no longer a separate module it comes together with GL and the License is together with gl. Which means FREE Module.
  4. Designate Rollup Account
  5. Option to have new Revaluation method from unrealized gain/loss now Sage Accpac introduce a new Revaluation method which will result in Realized gain/loss
  6. Batch Can Be posted concurrently
  7. One single Batch can be entered by several users concurrently
  8. Account Code Change module Comes together with GL module, which means another FREE Module.
As the release of this 55 so now GL Security and GL Account Code change is included in GL , customer does not need to purchase additional License For it. So one word that we always Love "FREE MODULE". So what are you waiting for? Call us for your upgrade plan...

Next we will go through with the other module...

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Sage Accpac Installation Type

Today our discussion will be about installing Sage Accpac on your network, there are 4 different types of installation :
1. Client Server installation
On this method of installation Accpac program was installed both in client and in server. Meanwhile for data it will be put in server

2. Workstation Setup
On this method Accpac only installed in server meanwhile client are installed by using workstation setup from server. Data will be put in server

3. Web Enabled
Starting from Sage Accpac 5.0 above. All Sage Accpac product is web enabled, which mean installation is done in the server. Client just need to have Internet Explorer to open Sage Accpac. In this method Sage Accpac could be access everywhere as long as you got an Internet Connection.

4. Terminal Server\Citrix
In this method There will be 2 different server one is Sage Accpac server and the other one is Citrix server. Terminal server and Citrix are a commercial software not belong to Sage Accpac. There will be additional license cost for this type of installation. In this method Sage Accpac is only installed in Server and client access from the Citrix client. This is the best solution for client with lot of connection from different location.

Next Chapter will be discussing steps to install Accpac

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

You Do Not Have License

When opening Sage Accpac an error could be occured like "You do not have license to use This Product " This error doesnot mean you license is illegal. But it could be :
  1. On a client server network it could be your server can not be read from the station. So check your network connection to the server.
  2. If you are installing a 30days trial, it could be your trial license has expire
So when this error come out don't panic first check your network. And if you still can not find the answer call us at 021-7660349.

Could Not Open The UI

When opening Sage Accpac menu, sometimes clients will encounter error "Could Not Open The UI" There are several case has been found out and the following are the step to resolve the error
  1. Install the latest Service Pack for the System Manager.
  2. Check that, for Windows 2000 and later machines, the correct ACCPAC\Runtime directory is contained in Windows Environment Variables; for Win95/98/ME/XP machines, the correct ACCPAC\Runtime directory is contained in the Autoexec.bat path statement.
  3. Check that, for Windows 2000 and later machines, there is only one instance of the ACCPAC\Runtime directory in Windows Environment Variables; for Win95/98/ME/XP machines, there is only one instance of the ACCPAC\Runtime directory in the Autoexec.bat path statement.
  4. For Windows 2000 or XP machines, if the ACCPAC\runtime directory is contained in Autoexec.bat, REM it out.
  5. Reregister the a4wcomsv.dll in the Start -> Run dialog box with its full path. For example, regsvr32 "c:\program files\ACCPAC\runtime\a4wcomsv.dll"- reregister a4wcomex.dll in the Start -> Run dialog box with its full path. For example, regsvr32 "c:\program files\ACCPAC\runtime\a4wcomex.dll" If this is successful on the machine, you will receive a confirmation message that the .dll file has registered successfully.
  6. Double check [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACCPAC International, Inc.\ACCPAC\Configuration] in the Registry to make sure all entries are pointing to the correct location. If this is showing a mapped drive, try changing it to a UNC path instead.
  7. Long file names or short files name must be used consistently everywhere.
  8. If ACCPAC and ACCPAC ASP exist under Component Services, browse the user name and reenter the password in the Identity tab of their Properties window. It is very important that you do not manually enter the user name.
  9. If the machine is not intended to act as an ACCPAC Web Server, shut down and delete the ACCPAC and ACCPAC ASP objects in COM+ Applications.
  10. Make sure the current logged on user has at least Power User rights - for updating the Windows registry, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
  11. Do not create a mapped drive for an ACCPAC directory that physically exists on the same machine. Simply use the local hard drive letter (launch the program by double clicking Runtime\ACCPAC.exe).

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Accpac 55 Free seminar

Sage Accpac is releasing it's newest version of product Sage Accpac 5.5A . We are inviting all Accpac users and non users to join and watch the new feature provided in Sage Accpac. Starting with the new Dashboard, Some Modules that is included in the product, Account Rollup, etc.
So Join and register now by calling at 62-21-7660349 and remember the seminar is FREE. Love that FREE word :)

Friday, 4 July 2008

More security option

Afraid of someone hack your Sage Accpac? A lot of thief that can steal your data?:p. Starting from Sage Accpac 5.2, Sage Accpac allows you to setup more advance security like :
  • Complex Password
  • Minimum password length
  • Lock out user
  • etc
If you have not found it and want to use it or just look on the feature follow the step here:
  1. Open Database Setup Menu
  2. Choose one of the system database that you have
  3. Click the security button On the screen
  4. Immediately you will see the security option screen appear

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

How To determine Accpac Version

For Sage Accpac customers in some case of support, technical team need to know which version of Accpac and what is the version of Service Packs installed on the computer.This is required to know whether problem that you are having is a service packs issue, data issue, or common issue.

These are the steps to check the service packs that was installed is by open up Accpac and then choose Help\System Information on this screen it will show you like
System Manager Version (5.4 A Sage Accpac 500ERP)(Service Pack 2)
It means your Sage accpac version is 5.4A edition ERP 500 and Service pack 2 for system manager.
In the same screen you can also check where is your data located.

So remember when Technical teams ask for which service packs is installed just open this menu and read the detail for them.

Monday, 30 June 2008

What is this blog for?

Some people may ask this: What's for I created this blog? Can we do support from this blog?
Actually the main reason to create this blog is to give accpac user more information about common issue that is happening on Accpac, how to do this and that, news update on Accpac, maybe I can put some job vacancy from our customer list, so this blog is not only everything about accpac but it may also contain a lot of other's thing. So Stay tune....
If anyone has an idea on what topic should I raise on this forum please feel free to email me at I'll try to get you all the information you required.

NB: This blog is not as a place to get support, if you still need support on product please contact our office at 62-21-7660349.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Who is and where does Sage Accpac come From?

A lot of customer/prospect has ask us about who is Sage and where does Sage Accpac was developed. Find you're answer here:

Sage Software began not as one company, but as the efforts of many entrepreneurs who built their successful products and businesses with a sincere focus on their customers. Today, our company represents the culmination of that combined entrepreneurial spirit, drive, and vision.

For more than 30 years, Sage Software has grown its family of leading brands with one mission in mind: to meet the needs of small and midsized businesses (SMBs) with a wide range of business management applications and services.

Currently we support more than 2.4 million customers in the U.S. and Canada. Our applications cover a full range of business requirements including accounting, customer relationship management, contact management, human resources, warehouse management, specialized industry needs, among many others. To address our customers' needs, we market our applications in two customer-focused divisions: Small Business and Mid-Market.

Our parent company, London-based The Sage Group, plc., reaches a global client base that numbers 4.5 million SMB customers worldwide. It serves these businesses through more than 8,000 employees in operations in North America, the UK, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia, and various countries in Asia.

Found out your answer?
In summary Accpac is America product which ownership of the company was by The Sage Group, plc a london based company.

Choosing which Sage Accpac is the best for you!

If there’s one thing we know about small and midsized businesses, it’s that each one has its own challenges and its own way of doing things. That’s why Sage Accpac is design to be so flexible and adaptable. Sage Accpac believe that a business management system that’s tailored to your unique business can help you be more efficient, productive, and profitable.
Here is the guide to choose which Sage Accpac is the best for you :

  1. Choose which Sage Accpac Editions you need. Sage Accpac are divided into 3 Editions which is ERP 100(max 10 concurrent users), ERP 200(max 20 concurrent users), ERP 500(add to unlimited number of users). Cause we are flexible you are able to upgrade from one edition to other edition at any time.
  2. Choose which Sage Accpac modules you need.Modules are application that will help you with your daily activity on system. Sage Accpac allows you to add new modules at any time and it will integrate with your existing system. Some module that Accpac has : General Ledger, Account Receivable, Account Payable, Inventory Control, Order Entry, Purchase Order, Cashbook , Manufacturing module,etc.
  3. Choose which database you prefer. Sage Accpac is one of the ERP system that support more than 2 database option to be used in conjunction with Sage Accpac. You can choose Microsoft SQL, Pervasive SQL, Oracle or IBM DB2.
Still confuse on which one to choose? Call us for a free consultation on choosing the best solution. We will gladly help you. Just call us on 62-21-7660349.

Welcome To Sage Accpac community in Indonesia Blog

It is a great pleasure to be blogging within the Sage Accpac community in Indonesia . First of all allow me to introduce myself I'm Fendy from PT. Microtek Informa Solusindo. Me and my college from support hub will try to update all of our beloved customer with the latest news about Sage Accpac ERP. We will also put some tips & trick on using Accpac. So stay updated on our blog to get the latest information. I think that's are my personal information.

Meanwhile for PT. Microtek itself company where I work for, has been giving a one stop solution for Sage Accpac customer since 1994 and focus only Sage Accpac product. Providing customer like consultation, training, implementation, product, and after sales service.

Twelve years of experience and constant innovation has earned MICROTEK an esteemed reputation among small to medium businesses throughout Indonesia especially Jakarta city metropolitan area. While we highly value that reputation and the hard work it took to establish, we continually seek to refine the services we offer and establish the quality of services we provide to our customers.

Our team includes experts in accounting, sales force automation, business processes, project management, technology, custom development and other disciplines. This allows us to provide a full range of SAGE ACCPAC support services including implementation, customization, new version upgrades, end-user and administrator training, and daily and periodic processing support.

I think that's all for our introduction about me and PT. Microtek, so stay in touch everyone for the latest news on Sage Accpac.

PT. Microtek Informa Solusindo
Jl. RS Fatmawati 15
Golden Plaza E 15
Jakarta Selatan - 12420