Tuesday, 3 August 2010

"Runtime error '429': ActiveX component can't create object" Error When Trying to Access Statement Designer

If you encounter an error "Runtime error '429': ActiveX component can't create object" Error When Trying to Access Statement Designer. Follow this step

Logon to the server with the Administrator account and attempt to run the Statement Designer. If the same error is received, the accpacfrXXX.xla file (where "XXX" indicates the version of the file) may need to be manually added as an add-in component in Microsoft Excel.

This can be done by opening Excel outside of ACCPAC by performing the following steps.

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Select Add-Ins from the Tools menu.
  3. Click the Browse button and browse to the General Ledger program directory. For example, if version 5.5 of Sage
  4. Accpac ERP is installed, the accpacfrXXX.xla file will be located in the [accpac]\GL55A folder (where [accpac] is the directory where Sage Accpac ERP is installed. By default, this directory is C:\Program Files\Sage Software\Sage Accpac.)
  5. Once in the proper directory, select accpacfr550.xla and click OK.
  6. Select the checkbox beside the entry in the Add-Ins window for the file added in the previous
    step and click OK to close the Add-Ins window.

Completing these steps should correct the problem for the Administrator as well as all other Windows accounts.

If running Windows Vista, ensure the "Run as Administrator" option has been selected when running Accpac.

  1. Right-Click the Accpac shortcut
  2. Under the General tab, enable the Run As Administrator option.
When running Windows 2008, add Accpac.exe file under Data Execution Prevention:
  1. Click Start, right click Computer, choose Properties
  2. Choose Advanced System Settings
  3. Click "Settings" under "Performance"
  4. Go to the tab "Data execution prevention"
  5. The selection on that tab is normally on "Turn on DEP for all programs", leave it as is
  6. Click on Add at the bottom
  7. Browse to accpac installation folder, then the Runtime folder
  8. Confirm that accpac.exe file shows up in the list and has a check mark in front of it
  9. Click OK to confirm