On 31Oct2008 cashbook 54 has release it's newest service pack, Service Pack 7 with the following update :
- Fixed - Post - Multicurrency - Unapplied Cash entries were not posting in Accounts Receivable.
- Fixed - Post - To correctly locate the cheque to update in bank reconciliation after printing a batch using the same cheque numbers that had been previously voided.
- Fixed - Post - When entering an AR Refund in Cashbook for R 100.00 and allocating R 50.00 to 2 different Credit Notes for the same Customer, the AR Refund Batch is generated with an AR Refund Amount of R 200.00 with R100.00 allocated against each Credit Note.
- Fixed - Post - If the Customer and Vendor numbers are the same and the invoice numbers in both the Customer and Vendor accounts are the same it results in the allocation against the Customer account reflecting as Pending in the Vendor account.
- Fixed - Post - When posting a transfer batch with a blank reference number it created an error batch for the receiving bank which could not be edited or deleted.
- Fixed - Post - Bank Transfers - A transfer batch with a blank reference resulted in an error batch being created that could not be edited.
- Fixed - Batch Entry - Allow editing of batch control description and single reference details in a retrieved batch.
- Fixed - Batch Entry - Web Client Only - The default tax code was giving an error in a tax batch.
- Fixed - Batch Entry - Batch Entry AP allocation picked up Pending Adjustment amount when selecting the Pending allocation in subsequent allocations.
- Fixed - Batch Entry - Allocations against Job Related invoices which contain 0.00 amount lines.
- Fixed - Batch Entry - PJC - when the Project has an Accounting Method of Accrual-Basis the cost account defaults to the "Cost of Sales" account setup in the Account Set, and when the Project has an Accounting Method other than Accrual-Basis the cost account defaults to the "Work in Progress Account" setup in the Account Set.
- Fixed - Batch Entry - After entering a Distribution Code and tabbing onto the grid, the grid was not accepting focus correctly.
- Fixed - Retrieve from Other Systems - Cashbook AR refunds were incorrectly being retrieved.
- Fixed - Retrieve from Other Systems - AR Error Batch with entry which originated in Cashbook being retrieved to Cashbook when retrieving AR entries.
- Fixed - Print Tax - Transfer to ACCPAC Tax Services of multicurrency tax lines.
- Fixed - Print Tax - When Transferring Cashbook Tax Tracking to Sage Accpac Tax Services the Cashbook Reversals transferred as a 0.00 amount entry.
- Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - Cashbook only partially returns AR Receipt reversals in Bank Services leaving the entry status "In Transit".
- Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - Cheques with the same vendor,reference and amount but different dates were reversing the incorrect line in ACCPAC.
- Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - Single Reference cheque batches were not reversing correctly in ACCPAC.
- Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - Redesigned to handle large EFT SR batches. The entry is now only located in Bank Services if it is contained in a deposit or Single Reference batch and the 'Reverse' column is clicked to 'Yes'.
- Fixed - Bank Reconciliation Reversals - To use the reversal fiscal year in the reversed line.
- Fixed - Batch Import - When the next batch number to be created exceeded 32767, then an error was generated: "Invalid field 35".
- Fixed - Batch Import - Importing Unapplied Cash entries for 2 different Customers. Only the first entry is imported as Unapplied Cash, the second entry is imported as "Select" Mode.
- Fixed - Batch Import - Importing an allocation with more than 2 payment numbers in a particular payment schedule to the same invoice.
- Fixed - Batch Import - GL Transfer - The "There are no G/L transactions to consolidate" message being erroneously displayed when selecting GL Transfer and Consolidate Before printing.
- Fixed - Print Cheque/Receipt/Deposit Forms - Printing Cheques off-line resulted in the Cashbook Transaction Header table Fiscal Year field being updated with "0000".
- Fixed - Integrity Check - To check batch sub-detail.
- Fixed - Integrity Check - Language resource errors.
- Fixed - Batch Listing Report - Stops allocations going to second page if more than 32 lines.
- Fixed - G/L Transfer - Auto Post in G/L was causing an error if G/L Options were set to require printing before posting.
- Enhancement - Online Printing - Form now saves last settings for Receipts/Deposits.
If You need this update, please contact us and we will arrange an update file for you.