This is the most important part when you are using a system. You need to have a set of backup data, so if something happen on your server you could easily restore your last data without having you to key in from the beginning. We would like to recommend for all customer to do backup on daily basis. There are several way to do backup , maybe you can consult with your IT which one your going to use :
1. For Pervasive SQL User
- Use Accpac DBDUMP to run backup
- Backup your data Folder by using zip or copy it to other drive
2. For Microsoft SQL User
- Use Accpac DBDUMP to run backup
- Schedule an automatic backup for your data by using SQL Agent
So after reading this and you have not do backup for days or month better run it now... Before your coffee time is wasted to re input your data
NB: A little note on doing backup using dbdump and restore using dbload. Normally this will take a longer time to do restore compare to the conventional way of backup and restore. Cause in dbload Sage Accpac is reindexing the database.